[Binary] Picking up where I left off. #60DaysOfdev

So tonight I began tinkering on a personal project of mine that I've not touched in a while. The basic premise is a 4X game similar to Masters of Orion 2. But designed with mobile in mind, and pulling in some modern design elements, especially around monetization. I started it a while ago and was helped a lot by my girlfriend Stephanie.

I picked this project back up for my new initiative, 60 days of dev. Where for the next 60 days(59 left) I will attempt to work about 1 hour every day on my game project to see how much progress i can make, and blogging and tweeting(@Nan0tubes) my progress to the world.

The project itself has some good beginnings, I have a fair amount of the game design fleshed out, and by that I mean written down. I setup a project in bitbucket, and had tickets setup for small tasks. I will be starting trying to get a couple of those tasks done, then break down the next steps into bite sized tasks as well.

I'm building the game in unity, which I do not have a lot of experience in, but some. The latest versions are actually pretty good. So there is already quite a bit of progress

So Above, while hard to see, I have a stub of a menu, as well as some Galaxy generation. Included with that if i recall is homeworld selection. I now need to modify the star systems of those homeworlds to have a good quality planet for civilizations to rise on.


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